how to declutter your wardrobe

Spring cleaning is in full effect. If you love fashion as much as I do, then you probably have a lot of decluttering to do. I have a few easy steps to say no to your unworn or unloved pieces and yes to a cleaner and more aesthetically pleasing closet.

Step 1- If you have not worn it in 1 year, TOSS it! Yes that’s right, if you have not worn it throughout the seasons, then it may not fit, bring you joy, or no longer serve you. Now there are exceptions to this rule, if it is very sentimental, incredibly expensive, or will be worn in the future for a special occasion, then you can kept it. If it is very expensive, but you can’t fit it or it does not serve you, then it’s time to sell it or give it away.

Step 2- After you’ve tossed the proper pieces, now it’s time to organize. I like to organize my closet by seasons and occasions. For example, I have a lot of items that I only wear for QVC or special work appearances. I have those items in its own section as it does not go with my daily aesthetic. I have all of my denim in one section, my jackets and coats in another, and my workout gear tucked away in a drawer. I am a very visual person, so I have to see most of my closet to actually wear it.

Step 3- Admire your work. This process is not easy. I like to hang beautiful mirrors and positive affirmations in my closet to bring me joy and remind me that I am blessed.

I hope these tips help.